Terms of Service

Last updated on March 12, 2024.

1. Agreement

These terms of use constitute an agreement between you, either personally or on behalf of an entity ("You"), and VM.COM as VM ("Company", "We" or "Our") regarding your access to and use of the VM.COM website, along with any other media from media channels, mobile websites or mobile applications that are related to, linked to, or otherwise connected with them (collectively referred to as the "Website"). However, please note that blockchain networks are controlled by third parties (who may be distributed networks of independent computers), even if VM.COM publishes domains or other records to them. Therefore they are not included in the definition of “Website”. By accessing this Website you agree that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by all these terms of service. If you do not agree with all these terms of use then you are expressly prohibited from using the Website and must stop using it immediately. The DNS domain names in this Agreement refer to mappings for IP addresses; registration and transactions for such domain names fall under jurisdiction granted by ICANN authorized domain name registration management agencies.

Furthermore, no provision within this Agreement should be interpreted as granting rights or benefits to third parties.

2. Disclaimer

2.1 VM does not assume the following responsibilities: Any person involved in casting domains/purchasing NFT domains violates any anti-money laundering, counter-terrorism financing or other regulatory requirements of any jurisdiction.

2.2 You affirm and guarantee that you will comply with all applicable laws (such as national, local, state, federal and other laws) when using the service. You should be solely responsible for ensuring that your access to and use of the service in that country, region or jurisdiction does not violate any applicable law. Furthermore, you promise that the above statement shall remain true throughout the term of this agreement.

2.3 The information provided on this website is not intended to be distributed or used by any individual or entity in any jurisdiction or country/region. Therefore, those who choose to access this website from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws where applicable.

2.4 Cryptocurrencies and transactions settled through cryptocurrencies have always been the subject of strict scrutiny by various regulatory authorities around the world. VM may need to change its operations to comply with applicable regulations, and they may become subject to licensing requirements. The NFT domain may be affected by one or more regulatory actions or law enforcement, which could impact or limit the ability to continue developing the VM platform. VM will strive to make adjustments in order to adapt to regulatory demands and changes.

3. Mint Domain NFT Rules

As a condition of minting the VM service domain, you declare and guarantee:

3.1 You have the sole and unrestricted right to sell the domain, it is in a transferable state, and you can freely dispose of the domain.

3.2 You have not received any administrative or legal process notices related to the domain.

3.3 You hold no trademarks, trade names or other proprietary commercial interests in this domain, and will not object to the buyer's registration or use of this domain in the future.

3.4 To your knowledge, neither the domain nor the registration infringes on any third party's copyright, patent, trademark or other proprietary rights.

3.5 The registration of this domain does not violate any laws, regulations, ordinances or rules.

3.6 This domain does not involve defamation, commercial slander, illegal threats or harassment.

3.7 When you are no longer the domain holder, or if you no longer wish to sell your domain, it is necessary for you to remove the relevant domain display from your user account. Failure to do so could potentially lead to compensation claims.

3.8 It is your responsibility to correctly configure and use the services, as well as take appropriate measures to safeguard, protect and backup your account and its content. This includes providing adequate security and protection which may involve the use of encryption.

3.9 You will ensure that your use of the service does not violate any applicable laws. You bear full responsibility for your use of the service.

4. User Behavior

We are committed to providing services such as domain casting and NFT domain trading for people of all industries and experience levels, allowing them to understand different NFT domains from various perspectives. However, in order to protect our community and comply with our legal obligations, if we believe you have violated these terms, we reserve the right to take action with or without prior notice. This may include: revoking your ability to view certain NFT domains on the service or interact with our service and NFT domains; disabling your ability to combine the service with purchasing/selling/transferring available NFT domains; prohibiting you from accessing our services; and/or taking other actions.

You agree that you will not violate any laws, contracts, intellectual property or other third-party rights, and you assume full responsibility for your actions and content when accessing or using the service. You also agree:

You are not allowed to mint NFT domains for the following websites:

(a)Promoting or beautifying hatred, violence, child pornography, radicalism or religious paranoia towards certain groups;

(b)Obscene, vulgar and/or domains that our company deems offensive.

(c)Domains that infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties or assist others in infringing on the intellectual property rights of third parties.

You further agree that you will not:

(a)Unauthorized use or attempted use of another user's account.

(b)Use the service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, including creating or displaying illegal content, such as content that may involve child sexual exploitation, or encouraging or promoting any activity that violates the terms of service.

(c)Use the service in any way that may interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect or prevent other users from fully enjoying the service.

4 List the rules for NFT domains for sale.

4.1 You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for setting the price for the domains you list.

4.2 You understand and agree that the rights to the domain may be listed for sale on the website or third-party websites.

4.3 For listing and selling domains through Opensea and other third-party platforms, you understand and agree:

VM assumes no responsibility or obligation for your use of services on Opensea or any other third-party platforms, and VM has no control over third-party buyers on Opensea or other such platforms. VM does not review or approve any third-party buyers, cannot access any payment information from sales made by third parties through Opensea or other platforms, and bears no responsibility or obligation for any issues (including but not limited to payments, refunds, and disclosure of payment information) arising from your use of the services on Opensea or other third-party platforms.

4.4 VM does not guarantee the sale of any NFT domains listed through Opensea and other third-party sales platforms, and reserves the right to decide by VM itself.

(a)Prevent any NFT domain from being listed through the services of Opensea and other third-party sales platforms.

(b)Remove any NFT domain from Opensea and other third-party sales platforms, reasons include but are not limited to the domain expiring within 30 days, being subject to domain disputes or abuse complaints, or otherwise violating VM's general terms of service agreement.

4.5 You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for determining your rights to sell, purchase, register or use any domain, and you are fully liable for any responsibilities arising from your registration, use or forging of such domain. You further acknowledge and agree that we do not guarantee the performance of third parties.

4.6 You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for determining the taxes (if any) applicable to your transactions, as well as withholding, collecting, reporting and remitting the correct taxes to the appropriate tax authorities. VM is not responsible for determining, withholding, collecting, reporting or remitting taxes applicable to your NFT domain name.

To further manage your domain, after the domain NFT is minted by VM, it will be transferred from the traditional DNS domain list to my NFT list. You can log into your VM account at any time to view your traditional DNS domain list and my NFT list.

5. Costs

5.1 Minting Costs: When minting a domain, you may be charged for blockchain fees and gas costs. Regardless of whether the listed domain is sold, you will be charged. You agree that any blockchain fees, gas, verification costs or other related charges you pay are non-refundable.

5.2 Success Fee: If you successfully sell the listed domain to a buyer who is aware of your listing and/or contacts or interacts with you through the website, you agree to pay a success fee to the company. This fee is calculated as a percentage of the total transaction value or final transaction value that the buyer pays for your listed domain (including any applicable taxes). The company reserves the right to change this success fee at any time and will provide ample notice before these changes take effect.

6. Risk Assumption

You accept and acknowledge:

6.1 The value of NFT domains is subjective. The price of NFT domains can be easily affected by volatility, and fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices can also have a significant adverse effect on the price of NFT domains. VM cannot guarantee that buyers will not lose money. You acknowledge that you fully understand this subjectivity and volatility, and you may lose money. Please carefully consider potential risks, and consult with lawyers, accountants, and/or tax professionals as necessary to assess the risks involved. Do not over-invest;

6.2 The creation and development of distributed ecosystems lacking use or public interest may negatively impact the growth of these ecosystems and related applications, which could also potentially have a negative effect on the potential utility of the NFT domain.

6.2 The regulatory environment for managing blockchain technology, non-fungible tokens, cryptocurrencies and other crypto-based projects is uncertain. New regulations or policies could have a significant adverse impact on the development of services and the utility of NFT domains.

6.3 You have a basic understanding of the operation, functionality, use, storage, transmission mechanisms and other material characteristics of cryptocurrencies, blockchain-based software systems, cryptocurrency wallets or other related token storage mechanisms, blockchain technology and smart contract technology.

6.4 Purchasing items related to content created through peer-to-peer transactions carries associated risks, including but not limited to buying counterfeit goods, mislabeled items, items susceptible to metadata decay, the risk of errors on smart contract items, and potentially non-transferable items. You declare and warrant that you have conducted thorough research before making any decision to sell, acquire, transfer or otherwise interact with any NFT or account/collection.

6.5 We do not control the public blockchains you interact with, nor do we control certain smart contracts and protocols, which may be an indispensable part of your ability to complete transactions on these public blockchains. Furthermore, blockchain transactions are irreversible; VM cannot reverse any transaction on the blockchain.

6.6 Using internet and blockchain-based products carries associated risks, including but not limited to risks related to hardware, software, and internet connectivity, the risk of malicious software introduction, and the possibility that third parties may gain unauthorized access to your third-party wallets or accounts. You accept and acknowledge that VM will not be responsible for any communication failures, interruptions, errors, distortions or delays you may encounter while using the service or any blockchain network regardless of the cause.

6.7 This service relies on third-party platforms and/or suppliers. If we cannot maintain a good relationship with such platform providers and/or suppliers; if the terms, conditions or pricing of these platform providers and/or suppliers change; if we violate or fail to comply with the terms and conditions of such platforms and/or suppliers; or, if any such platform and/or supplier loses market share, falls out of favor, or is unavailable for an extended period of time, then access to and use of our services will be affected.

6.8 VM reserves the right to withhold any collections, contracts, and projects affected by these or other issues. The items you purchase may not be accessible on VM. Under no circumstances can the inability to view items on VM, use services, or buy, sell or transfer any available items on the blockchain serve as a reason for making claims against VM.

6.9 If you are involved in a dispute with one or more users, you will absolve us from any known and unknown claims, demands, and damages of any kind associated with such disputes. By signing this disclaimer, you explicitly waive any protections (whether statutory or otherwise) that would limit the scope of this disclaimer to include those claims that may be beneficial to you at the time of agreeing to this disclaimer; whether they are known or suspected.

6.10 You understand and are aware that VM does not store, send or receive digital assets as they exist on the blockchain. Therefore, due to the decentralized nature of the services provided, you have a responsibility to protect your wallet and assets from any and all potential risks.

6.11 It's your responsibility to ensure that you don't lose your NFT domain.

7. Other

7.1 When a client violates the rules, it's impossible for VM to review all submitted domain displays. If you find any illegal or non-compliant domain displays on VM, please notify us and specify the domain, location found, as well as time and date.

7.2 User Deletion,VM reserves the right to remove any user from the VM platform and terminate their service usage rights without any specific reason, and without bearing any compensation liability.

7.3 We require all users to be at least 18 years old. If you are over 13 but under 18, you can only use VM through the account of a parent or guardian and with their approval and supervision. The account holder is responsible for your actions using that account. If you are under 13, you are prohibited from using our services.

7.4 Unless otherwise specified in this document, these terms are intended solely for the mutual benefit of both parties and do not aim to confer third-party benefits on any other person or entity.

Last updated